If you choose a book from the list below, do NOT rely on Cliff’s Notes or Spark Notes (etc.) for your analysis.  Come to me FIRST so I can help you on the road to understanding.  Also, you book MUST BE UNABRIDGED for it to count at the point level listed.  If you read an abridged copy, I will reassign it a point value.
Austen, Jane
Mansfield Park (G,390,3)
Northanger Abbey (G, 325, 3)

Bowen, Elizabeth
The Death of the Heart (G, 318, 3)
(A 10 year old girl deals with love and loss)

Camus, Albert
The Plague (308, 3)

Cather, Willa
Death Comes For The Archbishop (G, 297, 2)

Cervantes, Miguel De
Don Quixote (G, 1000, 5)

Clark, Walter Van Tilberg
The Ox-Bow Incident (Western, 217, 1)

Conrad, Joseph
Nostromo (G, 465, 3)

Crane, Stephen
The Red Badge of Courage (G, 170, 1)

Dickens, Charles
David Copperfield (G, 875, 4)

Dostoevsky, Fyodor
The Brothers Karamazov (G, 936, 5)

Dreiser, Theodore
Sister Carrie (G, 400, 3)

Dumas, Alexandre
The Count of Monte Cristo (G, 1000, 5)

DuMaurier, Daphne
Rebecca (Mys, 380, 2)

Durrell, Lawrence
Justine (G, 245, 2)
(praised by T.S. Eliot, This is an amazing tale about Egypt)

Eliot, George
Middlemarch (G, 800, 4)
Mill on the Floss (G, 550, 3)
Silas Marner (G, 200, 2)

Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Tender is the Night (G, 315, 3)

Garcia Marquez, Gabriel
Chronicle of a Death Foretold (MC, 143, 1)
Love in the Time of Cholera (MC, 348, 3)
100 Years of Solitude (MC, 464, 4)

Hardy, Thomas
The Mayor of Casterbridge (G, 330, 3)
Tess of the Dubervilles (G, 400, 4)

Hemingway, Ernest
A Farewell To Arms (G, 332, 3)
For Whom the Bell Tolls (G, 471, 3)

Hesse, Hermann
Narcissus and Goldmund (G, 320, 3)

Huxley, Aldous
Eyeless in Gaza (G, 473, 4)

James, Henry
The Bostonians (G, 433, 4)
Portrait of a Lady (G, 550, 4)

Kafka, Franz
The Trial (G, 229, 2)

Kazantzakis, Nikos
Zorba The Greek (G, 311, 3)

Maugham, W. Somerset
Of Human Bondage (G, 630, 4)

Melville, Herman
Moby Dick (G, 700, 4)

Norris, Frank
McTeague (Western, 442, 3)

O'Neill, Eugene
Long Days Journey Into Night (G, 176, 2)

Rand, Ayn
Fountainhead (G, 694, 4)

Remarque, Eric
All Quiet on the Western Front (G, 296, 3)

Shakespeare, William

Sinclair, Upton
The Jungle (G, 346, 3)

Steinbeck, John
Cannery Row (G, 190, 2)
In Dubious Battle (G, 350, 3)

Tolstoy, Leo
Anna Karenina (G, 830, 5)
War and Peace (G, 1100, 5)

Trollope, Anthony

Wharton, Edith
Ethan Frome (G, 90, 1)

Williams, Tennessee
A Streetcar Named Desire (Drama, 142, 2)
The Glass Menagerie (Drama, 130, 2)

Woolf, Virginia
Mrs. Dalloway (G, 194, 3)
To The Lighthouse (G, 209, 3)